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Who are we?

We are Callum & Sarah Linklater, second generation organic producers. Callum’s family have been farming organically since the late 90’s originally with sheep and beef and recently viticulture. In 2014 we purchased a small property in Renwick, Marlborough and set about planting a small Chardonnay vineyard. We decided to plant Chardonnay because its a personal favourite and not a variety we have on any of our family owned properties. This vineyard has become an obsession and it has given us a great amount of satisfaction to get it to a point where we are able to release this wine, enjoy!

Our family who makes this wine:

Callum is a grower, vineyard consultant, manager, networker, traveller, hunter & rugby playing old boy.

Sarah is a brand manager, packaging lover and home cook.

Duncan, aged 5, is a creative, builder and practical thinker. He can reverse his pedal tractor like a pro.

Eleanor, aged 3, is the free-spirit, tog wearing singer & dancer. She doesn’t like to brush her hair.

Art by Eleanor Linklater, 2018 Aged 3.